How To Choose The Best Industrial Computer

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An Industrial Computer is a special type of computer that is designed to work under extreme conditions. Additionally, it packs highly powerful hardware to meet industrial requirements like connectivity, display output, etc.

How To Choose The Best Industrial Computer

Here are the 8 most important things you must consider choosing your industrial computers.

Processing Power

Processing power is the most important thing to look for in industrial computers. Because some requirements are highly performance intensive, you need processors that can perform power of offer 2 to 3 GHz. However, some requirements only need under 2GHz, so you can use low-end processors.

RAM Or Memory

Next up is the RAM or Memory. Usually, it is available in modules multiple of 4, and computers have multiple slots to install ram. So, if you need 4GB ram, you can go with one module, while for more ram requirements, you can install as many modules as your computer allows. 32 or 64GB is the maximum ram that most high-end computers provide.

Industrial Computer


The storage volume depends on your needs, but selecting the right storage type is very important. HDD storage is relatively cheaper, but it is extremely slow. Meanwhile, SSD storage is a little more expensive but exponentially faster. Additionally, SSD offers better temperature resistance and performance under applications with shock and jerks.

I/O Options

I/O is one of the biggest factors that set the industrial computer apart from all other computers. For a normal computer, the main I/O only involves one or two display connections, a few USB connections, etc. However, requirements in the industry are different, so the computer must provide all the I/O ports you need. That is how you will configure that pc according to the industrial requirements.

Networking And Connectivity

Similarly, networking and connectivity matter in applications where your industrial computers communicate. Whether you need 4G for that, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth depends on the infrastructure, and you must select the computer accordingly.

Power Requirements

Power consumption is not that big or a requirement for most industries. Still, when using multiple industrial computers or remotely, the power requirement becomes a significant factor to consider. It is because, for the fluent performance of these computers, you have to provide an uninterrupted supply of enough power.

Operational Temperature

Operational temperature is the range of temperature in which industrial computers can perform well. Most high-end industrial computer units' temperatures range between -40 and 70 degrees Celsius. However, you must not get the one nearest to the environment you are working in since the thermal throttling of a PC can increase temperature.

Installation And Maintenance

The last consideration concerns the computers' mounting, installation, regulation, and lifecycle. It is also a use-case-based requirement that you must select to best meet your requirements without creating an overkill situation.

Learn More About Multiple Industrial Computer Options.

Industrial Computer is available with all the variations just like normal computers. It is because every use case has different performance requirements. So, you can check which option fits your needs perfectly and offers you the right performance and usability experience.


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